How do I create a Job Posting?

  1. Log in via your Employer account.
  2. On the home page, select "Job postings” from the menu and click on “Create your first job post” or the red + button.
  3. On the job posting form, please add the job title, the job level, and the type of employment of the position.

  1. In the “Address” field you can use Google maps to find the exact place/address of your company! Do note that it will not show the exact street address on the job.

a. If you already have a company profile set up the address will auto populate based on the company profile address. You can edit this at any time on the job posting form itself.

  1. Next you will need to enter a short description. Enter a text, up to 150 characters, to appear in the timeline (Timeline) of the Energy job Search feed.

  1. Add tags that are relevant to your job and position, the job title, tags and description heavily influence the searchability of your job.

  1. Next up is the job description, you can copy and paste or type in the job description. You can add a YouTube video or images via the editor tools.

  1. If you wish to redirect the candidates to a website rather than stay on to complete their application, activate the toggle to the right of the 'External apply' field (to enable applications redirect away from and fill in the corresponding URL.

We would advise to have candidates apply via, statistics show that leading your candidates to an external URL will cause on average a 80/90% drop-off in applications!

  1. If you wish to post without your company name, you can set the toggle via confidential job posting.

  1. To receive applications to your email, make sure this is enabled when posting!
    1. If you wish for another email address to receive the applications, make sure to tick the bottom box and provide the email address! You can only receive applications to one email address.

  1. You can also enter the salary range in the corresponding fields. Candidates won’t be able to see any remuneration information.

  1. You can add a header image for an extra charge to make your ad more attractive to candidates.
    1. If you purchased premium job postings this option will be included.

  1. Last but not least, it is also possible to activate the function of removing relevant ads of other companies using the toggle to the right of 'Enable removal of relevant jobs'. With an additional charge, only your company ads will appear in the recommended adverts underneath your job.
    1. If you purchased premium job postings this option will be included.

  1. On the final page you will be presented with a summary of the job and asked how you wish to 'pay' for the job posting; using purchased credits, or by paying via your credit card.
    1. When paying with a creditcard you can select the option 'Pay now, publish later'

  1. Pressing the Next or Back buttons saves the form/page every time.
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