New Mapping request - Information Required

Information Required
Client Admin Name:
Job Source:

All or Partial import of jobs:

Multi-brand posting?
Remote/job type/Experience
Apply path


·      Client Admin name

o   Provide the clientname from Admin

·      All or Partial import of jobs: Should we post all jobs or partial?

o   If partial, whatare the exact filter criteria for the jobs to include?

·      Multi-brand posting:

o   Are all jobs postedunder a Single Brand or multiple end customers?

o   If Multi-Brand pleaseadvise and note we will additionally need for each end customer:

§  Company Name(s) (required):

§  Job Logo URL:

§  Job Banner – HeaderImage URL:

·      Destination: to which domain are the jobs imported to?

o   List all domainsjobs need to be posted to (all domains need to have an account active withactive job posting product.

·      Source URL

o   Provide the ClientCareer Site (web page), XML Feed, JSON or Sitemaps.

·      Does the client need remote/a specific job type / specificexperience included on jobs?Yes or No

o   Please provide an example of the field from the client’s source.

·      Apply path:Internal OR External

o   If a default applyemail is required, specify these:


·      New source sites setup:48 hours for standard complexity, up to 72 hours for complex setups

·      Service issue resolutiontime: Critical: 3 hours - next AM, Major and Minor: 1 - 3 day

·      Reports, monitoring& scrapes maintenance by Aspen’s support team

·      Support hours Aspen:9 AM - 9 PM CEST

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